Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Jambo from Kenya! Week One

This week, well, really day, was splendid.

It was quick; it was slow; it was perfect.

Today my biggest worry was that they wouldn't remember me. But all that vanished when we got to Baptist Children's Centre (BCC) for church. We walked into Sunday school this morning and right away I was Hillum (my main man from the December trip)... and Hillum saw me. I watched with almost blinding joy as he mouthed, through full grin, "Michael". All the anxiety I had had now fled with the beam from his face.

The faces that I remembered, and that remembered me, only increased as the day progressed. And it felt like a long awaited homecoming.

Then it was time to leave. What felt like only a momentary meeting was now over; but not to worry my little orphans, I'll see you tomorrow.


Dear friends and family,

I have arrived safely in Nairobi, Kenya and am so thrilled to return here again.

This morning we went to church at the orphanage. I was so excited to see all of the familiar faces. The children remembered me by name and it took everything in me not to break down with tears of joy. Everyone looked so healthy and their smiles were even larger than I had remembered. I couldn't help but scan the crowd for my little friend Regina, but she was no where to be found. I asked the school teacher where she was and I found out that she was moved to a different orphanage. Regina and another little girl with AIDS were taken to a special medical orphanage. I will miss her, but know that her life is still in the Lord's hands.

The church service was very encouraging. I love getting to sing hymns and here the Bible read in Kiswahili. There is something really special about getting to praise God in different languages. I think this morning at church is a little glimpse of what heaven will be like.

Tomorrow we will begin our daily routine of visiting the orphanage. Today, we are still recovering from Jet-lag. I hope to send weekly email updates. I value your prayers above all!

Many blessings and Bwana Asifiwe (Praise the Lord!)