Last week the team spent time at the orphanage Lopukhinka, about an hour and a half from the city. This was an orphanage that was not in our original plan, but the Lord closed doors and opened this wonderful opportunity to go Lopukhinka. This was the first time that the orphanage had had a team come in. Furthermore, it was the first time that most of these kids as well as the caregivers had heard the gospel. We were not bringing God to these children, He was already there, but He used us as His instruments to love on the children and help them recognize His presence in their lives.
The children ranged from about seven to 17 years old. Our first day there we brought backpacks and supplies for those that were graduating and would need assistance when they leave the orphanage and enter into a new place. Originally the plan was to visit this orphanage for one day, and return to Orphanages 40 and 14, but as the day carried on, God's plans began to form. The director at Lopukhinka wanted us to stay at the orphanage with the children for the entire next week. As a team, options were considered and we decided that God wanted us in this place. Monday morning our bags were packed and we returned to Lopohinka for a week of Vacation Bible School and some hang out time with the children.
When we arrived to Lopukhinka on Monday, many of the younger kids came running out, wanting to help us carry in all of our bags! The transformation of so many of the kids, especially the older graduates was incredible--at the beginning of the week--cold, standoffish, disinterested, and aloof to anything we had to say, but by the end of the week, they were begging us to stay, with hugs and tears. Their interest in VBS increased and changed throughout the week. Their questions began more as facts about the Scripture and turned into questions about God's love and grace. On Wednesday during VBS, the parable was told about Jesus healing the men with leprosy. As the story was being told one of the graduates, 17-year-old Jenya, ask a question about the men that did not return to thank Jesus for healing them. He asked if the ones that had not returned to thank Jesus would be healed again if their illness returned. Discussion arose about forgiveness and about how we can come to rest in Christ's presence daily and that His love has no limits.
As the week came to a close, the kids were making crafts, necklaces, bracelets, and they soon began to give these gifts to us. They have photo albums in their classrooms and so many of the kids were looking through those albums to give us all pictures to ensure that we would not forget them. I think all the interns can agree that these kids have made imprints on our hearts--where pictures may one day fade, our experience there will not. We are certain that God will continue to work in this orphanage and we are confident that God will continue to place people in their lives that will continue to pray and love and talk to these kids.
Katie Courtney